There are two daily English Language newspapers in Nepal, the Himalayan Times and the Kathmandu Post, and both can be frustrating in their lack of context. It's common to read a 750 word story about the progress of a criminal court case, in which the crime and the people involved is never described. Or a story about a politician's bitter accusations against a rival party, without any response from the accused, or any reporting on whether the accusations are true.
But this week there came a story in the Himalayan Times about Kathmandu's quarterly crime statistics, and it had a really great sidebar on who the criminals are. Have a look.
(context on the context: the breakdown between vegetarian and non-vegetarian is a coded way of identifying high caste Brahmins, who are traditionally vegetarian.)
Is there a eating category similar to the Chinese, where one might align themselves by meal, 'Ah yes, a vegetarian! I was a vegetarian yesterday and once last week!"
And, here is an official request for guest blog by your local food expert (the little E!)
Willing: homosexuality is not a crime. Someone should tell that to california!
Gabrielle: no, they don't do that.
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